Nautik for Kubernetes

Nautik for Kubernetes

von DWRPD Software UG haftungsbeschraenkt

Score: 5
von 6 Bewertungen


Nautik is an accessible, concurrent Kubernetes client that is native to Apple devices. Its features include: - Multi-cluster mode (viewing the resources of multiple clusters at once). - Multi-namespace mode (viewing the resources of multiple namespaces of multiple clusters at once). - Viewing built-in resources and custom resources in gorgeous native detail views. - Automatic resource watching with realtime updates. - Watching and searching logs of multiple pods and containers in one combined stream, including ANSI colors and font styles. - Attaching to running pods with the integrated terminal. - Attaching shells to both pods and nodes with the integrated terminal. - Forwarding ports of pods and services to the device's localhost, including multiplexing and robust reconnection behavior, even over app restarts. - Integrated Helm client to view, install, uninstall, upgrade and rollback Helm releases, pull charts from custom Helm repositories, and edit the configuration values of installed charts. - Editing resources as YAML source with the integrated, customizable text editor. - Deleting resources. - Cordoning and uncordoning nodes. - Evicting pods. - Restarting deployments, daemonsets, statefulsets and replicasets. - Accessing clusters stored on a local kubeconfig file. - Accessing clusters stored on the local system keychain. - Optionally syncing stored clusters between devices via iCloud Keychain. - Multiple overview dashboards powered by an internal Prometheus client. - Related events overview on resource detail views. - Related pods overview on workload detail views - Slideover, split view, Stage Manager and multi-window support. - Performant, truly native implementation in Swift and Rust. - Multi-tab support (on macOS). - Multiple app icons. - Handoff support. - Integration with Siri and Shortcuts. - Integration with Google Cloud Platform. - Integration with Amazon Web Services. - Integration with Microsoft Azure. - Integration with DigitalOcean. - Optional support for gzipped Kubernetes API requests. - Optional base64-decoding of secrets on the secrets UI. - Customizable list sorting.



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